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MongoDB: 기본 쿼리(Basic Quries)


이 글은 전공 "빅데이터시스템" 강의 내용을 정리한 글입니다.

Query Document

The find() method

db.COLLECTION_NAME.find(query, projection)
  • collection내에 모든 document를 select

SELECT * FROM inventory

Query operator

Comparison operators

  • $eq

    • { field : {$eq: value}}

      SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE qty = 25
    • db.inventory.find({qty:{$eq:25}}) db.inventory.find({qty:25})

  • $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte

    • {field :{$gt: value}}

      SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE qty > 25 (qty>=25)
    • db.inventory.find({qty:{$gt:25}}) db.inventory.find({qty:{$gte:25}})

  • $ne

    • {field : {$ne: value}}

      SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE qty != 25
    • db.inventory.find({qty:{$ne: 25}})

  • $in

    • {field: {$in: [value1, value2, ... ,valueN]}}

      SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE status in ("A", "D")
    • db.inventory.find({status:{$in:["A","D"]}})

Logical operators

  • $and

    • {$and : [{expression1}, {expression2}, ... , {expressionN}]}

      SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE status="D" and qty <= 75
    • db.inventory.find({$and:[{status:"D"}, {qty:{$lte:75}}]}) db.inventory.find({status:"D", qty:{$lte:75}})

  • $or

    • {$or: [{expression1},{expression2},...,{expressionN}]}

      SELECT * FROM invetory WHERE status = "A" OR qty<30
    • db.inventory.find({$or[{status:"A"},{qty:{$lt:30}}]})

  • $not

    • {field: {$not: {operator-expression}}}
    • db.inventory.find({qty:{$not:{$gt:75}}})

Query embedded document

  • {field:document} or (”field.nestedField”) → “ “ 빼먹으면 안됨
db.inventory.find({size:{h: 14, w: 21, uom:"cm"}})

db.inventory.find({"size.h": 14, "size.w": 21, "size.uom": "cm"})


  • {field1: value1 , field2: value2 ...}

    • value

      • 1 or true : 해당 field를 포함해서 출력
      • 0 or false : 해당 field를 제외하고 출력
      db.inventory.find({item: "paper"}, {size:0, _id:0})
      SELECT item, qty, status FROM inventory WHERE item = "paper"

Update Document

  • update()

    • db.COLLECTION_NAME.update(query, updated_docuemnt)

    • // item이 paper인 하나의 document만 paperless로 바꾼다 db.inventory.update({item:"paper"},{$set:{item:"paperless"}})

    • db.COLLECTION_NAME.update(query, updated_docuemnt, multi option)

      UPDATE inventory SET item = "paperless" where item = "paper"
    • // item이 paper인 모든 document를 paperless로 바꾼다 db.inventory.update({item:"paper"},{$set:{item:"paperless"}}, {multi: true})

Delete Document

  • remove()

    • db.COLLECTION_NAME.remove(query, justOne)

      • query : (Optional) 삭제 기준
      • justOne: (Optional) 1이면 true, 하나의 document만 삭제
      // item이 paper인 모든 document를 제거한다.
      // 첫번째 record만 제거한다.
      db.inventory.remove({item:"notebook"}, 1)
      // 모든 document를 제거한다.


Task 1

Write a query to display the fields restaurant_id, name, borough and zip code, but exclude the field _id for all the documents in the collection restaurant

db.restaurants.find({}, {"_id": 0, "restaurant_id" : 1, "name": 1, "borough": 1, "zipcode": 1})

Task 2

Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant_id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which are not beloging to the borough Queens

db.restaurants.find({"borough": {$ne: "Queens"}}, 
                    {"_id": 0, "restaurant_id" : 1, "name": 1, "borough": 1, "cuisine": 1}) 

Task 3

Find the restaurants that do not prepare any cuisine of 'American' and their grade score more than 70

db.restaurants.find({"cuisine": {$ne: "American"}, "grades.score": {$gt: 70}})

Task 4

Find the restaurant Id, name, borough and cuisine for those restaurants which are not belonging to the borough Staten Island or Queens or Bronxor Brooklyn

db.restaurants.find({"borough": {$nin : ["Staten Island", "Queens", "Bronxor Brooklyn" ]}},
                        {"_id": 0, "restaurant_id": 1, "name": 1, "borough": 1, "cuisine": 1})

Task 5

Find the restaurants which do not prepare any cuisine of ‘American’ and achieved a grade point ‘A’ not belongs to ths borough Brooklyn

db.restaurants.find({"cuisine": {$ne: "American"}, "borough": {$ne: "Brooklyn"}, "grades.grade": "A" })